Download: Skipping Steps

Download: Skipping Steps

Have you ever fallen down the stairs? 
I believe that everyone's on their own staircase. Some might have been created at higher levels on their staircase, while others have started from the bottom. But everyone is proceeding upward in some capacity. Each step is, a step... a lesson, an elevation to your Highest Self. You might be lingering at steps longer than others. But don't take too long! You might get tired standing on that one step with both feet, not budging. The step could either collapse or turn into a back slide. Imagine a huge library or room with all these staircases going in different directions, with everyone on their own staircase. Don't get distracted looking at where everyone else is on their staircase because you might trip and fall. Some are born at higher steps than others. You might be at a different step longer than others. You might jump back and forth between two steps, maybe over long periods of time. But, the goal is to continue going up the steps! The climb up the steps can bring strength, compassion, humility, and creativity along the way up. Because you know what the climb is like starting from the bottom, so your legs have become stronger. Now, as you get used to climbing each step one by one, you may notice that you can even skip a few steps at a time. You can skip up two or three stairs, and even find an easier way up, by turning your staircase into an escalator ;) . But there's no way to skip multiples of steps on an incline. Have you ever seen the meme where there’s a person standing at the bottom of a flight of stairs with one leg, and trying to reach the top with the other? Looks crazy right? It's okay to go one step at a time, go at your own pace.
Steps are made to go two ways, up and down. You may see someone walking, jumping, or running down their flight of stairs. You want to help want to tell them, "No! Stop! Slow down or you'll get hurt!" But if you pay attention to them going down their stairs for too long, you loose your own footing going up your flight of stairs. Don't get distracted or consumed into what they're doing, focus on your staircase ahead. 
Im literally imagining a huge library and everyone's on a flight of their own stairs, each going in a random direction. 
I'm having an incredible download currently, about skipping steps in this life's earth school. onna 🍄 trip rn. brb.
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